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The Trojan War was such an important historical event that it became one of the main motives of the past 2800 years of European cultural history; its episodes and characters inspired thousands of artists. Mozart’s Idomeneo, re di Creta tells the story of the tired king returning from the Trojan War and the people of Crete as they are life threateningly exposed to the uncontrollable forces of nature. The piece was only played once before in the OPERA, in 1979. About a quarter century had to pass before it found its way back to the Budapest Opera House’s stage, this time directed by András Almási-Tóth, who emphasizes the fight between nature and humanity in a modern context, in which a metropolis is flooded by the sea and nature devours urban life and the human space. Unless the god of sea forgives them…

Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Librettist: Giambattista Varesco
Director: András Almási-Tóth
Set designer: Sebastian Hannak
Costume designer: Richárd Márton
Choreographer: Noémi Kulcsár
Lighting designer: Tamás Pillinger
Video designer: Zsombor Czeglédi
Hungarian subtitles based on Mária Anna Kovács's translation by: András Almási-Tóth
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki



9TH IVÁN NAGY INTERNATIONAL BALLET GALA The World of Ballet Remembers a Hungarian Legend

Adolphe Adam LITTLE CORSAIRE Children’s production

Richard Wagner PARSIFAL Bühnenweihfestspiel in three acts, in German, with Hungarian, English, and German subtitles

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