


Richard Wagner
Bühnenweihfestspiel in three acts, in German, with Hungarian, English and German subtitles

Information on standing places for sold-out performances

If all seats are sold out for the selceted time, 64 standing seats at reasonable prices for the 3rd floor balcony become available 2 hours before the start of the performance. Tickets can be purchased at the Opera House ticket office and online. Please note there is limited view from the side seats and the standing places, but the performance can be followed on screens.

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Last event date: Sunday, March 31 2024 4:00PM

In Parsifal, his final music drama, Wagner embeds fear of the temptations of the world and sinful desires into a tale of redemption. The work is indeed a festival play for the stage rather than an opera. Many viewers – perhaps out of their own fears – criticised Wagner, who wrote both the libretto and the music, for what could be called the piece’s virtue and remarkable complexity, which is the personal tone with which he portrayed a religious theme combining notions of sacred and profane love. Designing the visual world of this new production directed by artistic director András Almási-Tóth will be Sebastian Hannak, who was also behind the look of Porgy and Bess and The Fairy Queen.

Librettist: Richard Wagner
Director: András Almási-Tóth
Set designer: Sebastian Hannak
Costume designer: Lili Izsák
Choreographer: Dóra Barta
Video designer: András Juhász
Lighting: Tamás Pillinger
Dramaturg, Hungarian surtitles: Enikő Perczel
English surtitles: Arthur Roger Crane
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki
Head of the Children’s Chorus: Nikolett Hajzer

Conductor: Balázs Kocsár
Amfortas: Michele Kalmandy
Titurel: István Rácz
Gurnemanz: Gábor Bretz
Parsifal: István Kovácsházi
Klingsor: Péter Kálmán
Kundry: Andrea Szántó
First page: Eszter Zavaros
Second page: Laura Topolánszky
Third page: Tivadar Kiss
Fourth page: Barna Bartos
I/1st flower-maiden: Lilla Horti
I/2nd flower-maiden: Ildikó Megyimórecz
I/3rd flower-maiden: Klára Vincze
II/1st flower-maiden: Beatrix Fodor
II/2nd flower-maiden: Andrea Brassői-Jőrös
II/3rd flower-maiden: Melinda Heiter
Mother of Parsifal / Voice from Above: Judit Németh
First Grail knight: József Mukk
Second Grail knight: András Káldi Kiss
The young Parsifal: Benjámin Taba

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