
Parázsfuvolácska – The Magic Flute for Children

Parázsfuvolácska – The Magic Flute for Children

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
PARÁZSFUVOLÁCSKA – The Magic Flute for Children
Fairy-tale Singspiel in two parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English surtitles

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Last event date: Tuesday, January 02 2024 4:00PM

Although Mozart's opera is a fairy tale for grown-ups, its wondrous elements - the trial of Tamino and Pamina, the comic antics of Papageno, and not least of all, the enchanting music of Mozart - also make it a perfect introduction to the world of opera for children. It's just a matter of serving up the work to them in an appropriate fashion. The distinguished poet János Laczkfi, a father himself, has helped us re-conceive and rework The Magic Flute expressly for the enjoyment of little ones. With added attractions galore, youngsters of all ages are sure to be enchanted!


Our offer

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

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