Macondói reflexiók - A 100 év magány zongorán és képekben
One Hundred Years of Solitude revisited
Current events
“Cien años de Soledad”, by Gabriel García Márquez, Nobel Prize winner in Literature; Written in Mexico City between 1965 and 1966, it is considered a masterpiece of Latin American and universal literature. It is the second most read work in Spanish in the world, only surpassed by Don Quijote, translated into 35 languages and with an approximate sale of 30 million copies to date. Oscar Perfer, Colombian photographer, makes an introspection of the masterpiece through these timeless characters, with contemporary phenotypes, from an artistic vision and in line with his peculiar aesthetic of portraits framed in his pictorial lighting technique, where the viewer feels observed through their hypnotic looks, giving the possibility to dive into the Macondian world. Perfer exalts this literary heritage in motion, through this expo-concert called REFLEJOS DE MACONDO, offering a dreamlike proposal within this universe of magical realism in its portraits, an intimate and unconventional experience, bringing the public closer to a visual and musical immersion, where the viewer will discover as the recital happens, performed by the pianist María José de Bustos, each of the photographs with the characters that he has captured from his perspective. REFLEJOS DE MACONDO, Expo-concert, is an unprecedented show with reduced capacity, an artistic encounter born from the fusion of words, music and images. A thoughtful staging to discover the loneliness of one hundred years, with great aesthetic, visual and sound potential.
Featuring on piano: María José de Bustos
Photographer: Óscar Perfer
Technician: Giovanny López
Photographer: Óscar Perfer
Technician: Giovanny López
Stars' recitals with piano VITTORIO GRIGOLO Song and aria recital in two parts, with Hungarian, English, and same-language surtitles
Prima donnas ESZTER SÜMEGI Festive gala concert with Hungarian and English surtitles
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