


Giuseppe Verdi
Opera in three parts, four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

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Last event date: Wednesday, June 26 2024 6:00PM

The story of the opera is a product of war: not only in its writing, but on the stage as well. The sounds of war resonate throughout the tale of the captive Ethiopian princess and king, and the Egyptian commander brought down by and for love. Although Egypt wins a pyrrhic victory, this triumph desired by so many brings ruin to all who wished for it.
This is a story about war, a topic as old as man and which will continue as long as our species. War chooses life or death for millions, divides families and lovers, and permeates warring countries and their people of every order and rank, from pharaoh to slave.
But there is one thing that can never be vanquished: the purity of the soul.

Librettist: Antonio Ghislanzoni
Director: János Mohácsi
Set designer: Zsolt Khell
Costume designer: Kriszta Remete
Choreographer: Johanna Bodor
Circus expert, choreographer: Tünde Vincze
Dramaturg: Enikő Perczel
Hungarian subtitles: Judit Kenesey
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki

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