
Current events

The Hungarian State Opera Children’s Chorus performs a fairy-tale opera by Erzsébet Szőnyi (1924–2019), a legendary figure of Hungarian composition and music education. The title character of The Stubborn Princess lives her life following the strict rules of the royal court until one day she decides to rebel. Her royal father and the courtiers try everything they can think of, but they just cannot seem to find the right remedy.

Composer: Erzsébet Szőnyi
Libretto by: Edit Kovács
Director: András Aczél
Choreographer: Polína Kozlova
Background: Amelia Molokova
Visual designer: Bálint Berkes, Hanga Kóczán
Director of the Children's Chorus: Nikolett Hajzer

Conductor: Nikolett Hajzer
Princess: Kinga Bakos, Luca Gábor
Shepherd boy: Richárd Bede, Botond Takács
King: Márton Dávida, Dominik Jobbágy
Major-Domo: Jázmin Kirsch-Veszeli, Csenge Sitkei-Magyar
Puli: Panna Csányi, Elmira Jobbágy
Doctor: Zsuzsanna Júlia Ercsey, Polína Kozlova
The Chinese Man: Kíra Gálbory, Rebeka Tóth
Chinese dolls: Hanna Czepek, Boróka Emese Kovács, Szofi Tóth, Ágnes Balogh, Natália Tanka
Town crier: Vince Göblyös, Dániel Tanka





Attila Toronykőy OPERA TOUR WITH PAPAGENO 60-minute guided tour of the Opera House. For primary school children. Please note that…

The Gershwins® PORGY AND BESS® Opera in three acts, in English, with Hungarian and English subtitles By: George Gershwin, DuBose…

Rudi van Dantzig – Toer van Schayk / Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky SWAN LAKE Classical ballet in three acts

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